easy wood projects
"Tis" better to give than to receive. Weve heard this forever. Its true, you know! There are certain times of the year where our female friends, both young and old will wear novelty earrings. At Christmas time, Halloween, and any other seasonal time for that matter. Whittling novelty earrings can be quite fun, and results in those little gifts that are appreciated. Since I whittle at the local diner every day with my morning coffee, I like to keep the waitresses stocked with special and seasonal whittled earrings. They also make nice little gifts to the occasional female customer that stops by the table and asks, "what are you carving"? I like to whittle pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, Santas, snowmen, penguins, and owls to list some.
Here are some tips for whittling these little earrings:
1. Dont make them too large.
2. Whittle them at opposite ends of a 3/8 to 1/2 inch length of Basswood.
a. This set up enables you to safely hold the piece while whittling.
b. This set up also allows you to make the same cuts on each of the earrings,
so they will be the same when done.
3. Either whittle directly from the piece or use the scroll saw to cut the blank.
4. Its easier to use the French Hook earrings (lets the earrings dangle), rather
than the straight posts.
5. You can whittle one side or in the round.
6. If you whittle just one side, they make good little stick pins.
7. You either paint or stain the whittled earrings.
8. When you paint the earrings, leave them on the ends of the "stick". This way
its easier to paint. After painting, cut them off, and just paint the bottoms.
easy wood projects