woodworking projects for kids
Three or four years ago, I was a fanatic bead. I loved beading and I made bead animals all the time. After I had more than a hundred bead animals and creatures, I gave it. I got bored with. A few weeks ago, it came to my mind and I decided to start again beading. After I have some animals, I noticed that I still love beading.
Its just fantastic!
So, lets begin!
First, youll need to:
thread (or nylon fishing line)
By the way, what do you use, wire or nylon fishing line? I used formerly, fishing line, because I found it easier to use. And it is easier to use, because the end will not kink. However, it has no concrete form. The animal will not be on her legs. The animals will be wired. You can bend them as you need. And it is a great advantage! So, I would suggest the wire, but very thin thread.
If you are an animal to be round, 3D or plump (as a Penguin), always use nylon fishing line, because the thread will be almost completely flat.
I have a good example to prove this:
Once, I have decided to a bead OWL, which was completed on the example picture.
After I finished (with wire), it looked like a bat and not an OWL. The completely flat. was
I was very angry and I scolded the book. Later, I read the text next to the OWL who said, that use nylon fishing line.
The next day, I made the OWL again, with the help of nylon fishing line. When I finished, it seemed exactly on the picture. The completely round. was
So, use fishing line for rounded and 3D animals.
And what about beads? Ive been using seed beads (small) for the body of the animals since I started beading. There are also long beads (I dont know the correct name), use them for wings and sometimes for the legs.
Seed Beads:
These are the basic beads that we use for beading. They are usually the body of an animal. Nowadays, you can buy them in regardless of color, the size and shape you want. I use quiet small (I dont know the exact size) and round seed beads.
Larger beads:
These are much bigger than the seed beads. I use them mostly for the eyes of an animal. However, use them when you want to highlight something.
Long beads:
The size of the long beads between the seed beads and the larger beads. I use them for wings, legs and sometimes for some other parts of the body of the animal.
So, in the next part, Im going to write about the basic beading techniques.
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Marcel Vigh
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woodworking projects for kids